Understanding Manipulation Under Anesthesia

Typically recommended for people struggling with chronic pain, manipulation under anesthesia by our Franklin, WI, chiropractor can help you restore mobility and relieve pain in joints, shoulders, neck, back, and other areas. You can learn more about the treatment by reading on but to become even better informed you can reach out to Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic with Dr. David Zumstein.

What It Is

Manipulation under anesthesia, as the name may suggest, involves chiropractic manipulation while the patient is under sedation. This allows the chiropractor to make these adjustments to the joints and to stretch and align the muscles, without having to contend with the body's natural resistance.

Who It Is For

Your chiropractor may recommend manipulation under anesthesia if you are experiencing chronic pain and traditional physical therapy, manipulation, and rehabilitation are not providing the relief you seek. Although these types of therapies would typically still play a role in your overall treatment.

Benefits of Manipulation Under Anesthesia

There are many potential benefits in manipulation under anesthesia, but it is usually recommended for those who are recovering from an injury or surgery.

It is also a non-invasive procedure, generally safer than surgery, and can be helpful for joints that have become stiff and in relieving chronic pain.

How It Works

The procedure can be performed relatively quickly, often under an hour, although you'll be monitored for a period of time due to the anesthesia. But you'll usually be able to return home on the same day of the treatment.

The level of anesthesia can be adjusted based on your individual needs, but you'll be sedated throughout, though not unconscious.

You may experience almost immediate improvements to your range of motion and level of pain, but some muscle soreness at the site being treated is common and can be treated with ice and over-the-counter medication, as per your chiropractor's instructions.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia in Franklin, WI

If you want to find out if you are a candidate for manipulation under anesthesia in Franklin, WI, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Zumstein of Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic by dialing (414) 761-3330.

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