Chiropractic and Acupuncture: Complementary Therapies

From recovering from pain and injuries to achieving optimal health, Dr. David Zumstein and our team at Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic in Franklin, WI are here to help with various natural methods, including acupuncture.

How Chiropractic Care and Acupuncture Work Together to Provide Relief

There are many techniques that provide some incredible benefits alone, but those benefits can be amplified when combined with others. Two of these techniques are chiropractic care and acupuncture. Below, Dr. Zumstein and the team at Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic in Franklin, WI explain how this combination works together.

How Chiropractic Care Works 

Chiropractic techniques, such as adjustments, work to restore balance and alignment to the musculoskeletal system. Doing so takes pressure off the muscles, discs, nerves, and other soft tissues, improving nerve function, reducing pain, restoring range of motion, and more. 

How Acupuncture Works 

Acupuncture utilizes tiny needles to target and remove constrictions in the body that cause pain, lead to illness, restrict movement, and more. It also stimulates the nerves and blocks pain signals to the brain. Additionally, acupuncture draws blood and healing nutrients to the treatment site, enhancing recovery and health. 

The Combined Effects 

Both chiropractic techniques and acupuncture remove restrictions and improve the neuromusculoskeletal system, but they do so in different ways. Chiropractic focuses on the hard tissues, while acupuncture works on the soft tissues. This is very beneficial, as the effects of one enhance the effects of the other.

As restrictions are removed in the hard tissues, the soft tissues can heal and relax. When the soft tissues are treated, it takes pressure off of the hard tissues.

In addition to relieving pain and inflammation, these two treatments improve your overall health. As blood and healing nutrients can flow better, the body can heal as it's intended. And as nerve function improves, the body and all its organs can function properly.

While combining chiropractic and acupuncture can treat many issues, some common ones include the following:

  • Sports injuries 
  • Car accident injuries 
  • Sciatica 
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain 
  • Arthritis 
  • Headaches and migraines 
  • Joint dysfunction and pain 
  • Sinus trouble 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Leg pain 
  • Knee pain 

Though these are just a few examples, combining chiropractic care and acupuncture can help with a wide range of conditions and symptoms. Our team is happy to find the most effective methods for treating anything that is causing you to suffer.

Learn more about how chiropractic care and acupuncture can benefit you by visiting Dr. Zumstein at Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic in Franklin, WI. Call (414) 761-3330 to schedule an appointment today.

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