Alleviating Pain With Chiropractic Adjustments

Reduce Pain with Routine Chiropractic Care

You have been living with persistent pain in your body for a while. Your regular care physician has run out of options but has offered chiropractic care as an option.

You don't know much about chiropractic services but have come to our offices in search of a long-term pain relief option. Dr. David Zumstein of Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic, located in Franklin, WI, has served patients for over twenty years, offering a path to pain-free, better health with chiropractic adjustments.

What is Chiropractic Care? 

A chiropractor is someone who adjusts a patient's back with pressure through the use of their hands and adjustment tools to align the spine and relieve pain. 

A body not in alignment can cause pinched nerves, inappropriate weight displacement, and a sore body. Receiving chiropractic care can be a long-term medical option for reduced pain. 

Why Adjustments? 

According to Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic located in Franklin, WI, regular chiropractic adjustments allow the body to return to its optimal realigned state. The types of pain that receive chiropractic care are:

  • Lower back pain is one of the most common types of pain.
  • Neck pain - an unaligned head can add extra weight to your neck.
  • Headache - A body out of alignment will develop more headaches as your body tries to accommodate displaced weight.
  • Muscle pain - When your body is out of alignment, your muscles try to hold the proper posture regardless of body position. 

These are just four of the major areas of pain. Our chiropractor can work on any part of the body to achieve pain relief.

Chiropractors work with your regular physician to help alleviate pain from many diseases, including joint pain, whiplash accidents, lower back pain, sciatica, muscle aches, arthritis, and neck pain. 

Our chiropractor will ask for X-rays, a CT, or MRI to be performed before the start of treatment and will perform a complete medical history along with a physical exam. 

In addition to adjustments, our chiropractor can offer joint taping (Kinesio taping), soft tissue therapy, and exercises or stretches to loosen tight muscles. Those individuals in chronic pain will benefit from regularly scheduled chiropractic care.

Schedule Your Adjustment Today

Dr. Zumstein of Zumstein Chiropractic Clinic (414) 761-3330 in Franklin, WI, is looking forward to your first chiropractic adjustment so that you can start your journey toward pain-free chiropractic care.

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