Don’t Ignore Your Neck Pain

Is neck pain bothering you? We don't think it should when you have the option of chiropractic care from Zumstein Chiropractic, serving Franklin, WI, and the nearby region. Our Dr. David Zumstein offers several natural ways to assist. And here's why shouldn't ignore that pain and get treatment.

Could Be Treatable

The pain in your neck might be from an acute condition. At this point, it could be highly treatable through an adjustment or other chiropractic care from our Franklin, WI, practice. By having Dr. Zumstein take a look at it now, you could receive the treatment you need to stop it from worsening and becoming chronic.  

Could Signify a Progressive Condition

Once our practitioner takes a look at the internal structure of your neck and assesses the area carefully, he could find it's a progressive condition. Although it won't go away, our chiropractor can prevent it from worsening or at least slow the progression as much as possible.

Besides the treatment we provide in the office, you could also receive helpful at-home techniques that can assist with pain and prevent you from needing more invasive treatments in the future or at least keep you comfortable.

Could Lead to Headaches or Other Symptoms

Your musculoskeletal system and nervous system are interconnected. For that reason, dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system could lead to issues with the nervous system. In some cases, that problem is recurring headaches. 

Don't Have to Suffer

Like any pain, neck pain is unpleasant. It can interfere with your ability to work and enjoy life. You won't have to suffer when there are treatment options available. You can then get back to enjoying life without pain. 

Can Prevent Missed Work Days

Your neck pain might be completely manageable now, whether you're taking acetaminophen or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication or merely coping. However, if it should happen to worsen, you might not be able to function at work. The pain may interfere, or you may end up with limited mobility in your neck.

Can Ensure You Sleep Well

Right now, you might be sleeping just fine because the pain is only mild. However, if the underlying issue is acute and will worsen or is chronic and progressive, you could find that the neck pain will keep you up at night. Through chiropractic care, though, this doesn't have to happen.

Visit Zumstein Chiropractic, serving Franklin, WI, and the surrounding region, if you currently have neck pain. It doesn't matter whether it just appeared or has been bothering you for some time. Dr. Zumstein can assist through chiropractic care, such as a cervical adjustment or exercise therapy.

If you have neck pain, call us today at (414) 761-3330.

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